Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 2014

My mother was my first visual
She taught me to avoid being surprised
She brought rebel stories
And not only hers
survivor story
think before you do story
married white man story
a violence she was not accustomed to
“I wasn`t raised like that”
Sticky story
Get your lashes on story
Don’t leave your drink story


My beyond Islam red
with fist raised Malcolm story
Squeeze my LP
me next to Bobby Blue Bland 


cousin skinny legs on stage
Musicians living dangerously
elegant hit the floor jazz club story
It is not possible to forget
Cuz you supposed to study
Grandfather story
Studying all the time
Poet all the time
Choose a good script

Why don`t the children say hello in sweet face 

Why do unchained people think they free 

Why does popular music function as a weapon - distraction you against you 

this non free space  -  where

excellence will  - story

where story where story where story – functioning

include music history  as absolute protection –where a song still sings sang

When did story stop needing a underground railroad  

Friday, February 21, 2014

Checkist ---------------by Robert Wallace


1.    A different cadence
2.    ukiyo-e
3.    Finding alone
4.    Must keep trying
5.    I don’t trust happiness
6.    Well, yeah, of course
7.    After a while the sun will shine
8.    So much to do
9.    Redoubled his efforts
10.    Where are you going?
11.    Le Peintre
12.    Her walk, the way her hips swayed
13.    Devising methods and routines
14.    Bone-rattling cold
15.    regelmäβig
16.    A portal for ghosts
17.    Simmer down
18.    He always liked her better from a distance
19.    Tree trunk graffiti
20.    Oh man, Nat King Cole
21.    With art as their currency
22.    Transcendence
23.    “Waiting for the Moon”
24.    Past tense
25.    It smells old
26.    I am unreasonably confident
27.    Tulse Luper
28.    Too fast for his old ears
29.    Irons in the fire
30.    Pull
31.    Learning to count
32.    “reduced to an artist”
33.    Degrees

By Jamika Ajalon (in response to revolution up up )

Revolution at part III

(in response to revolution up up )

Was b4 asking
were th revolution at at
now pondering the up up
on the scat scat
plug in tune in or out 

where the revolution at III

somewhere out back
scratched memory tracks
with all those forgot got
bones water hosed
necks broken brought
strange fruit 
and billie she scat scat
now theres digital coups 
armchair bruises 
too much chat chat
gotta tune in plug out out
out back remember that cat 
in the black beret hat
that sister who sat before rosa sat
still serving  4 score more
still wondering
where the revolution at at